Sai-a Lee

Major: Literature studies
2000 Bachelor of Arts – Chinese Studies, Kyunghee University: Seoul
2010 Bachelor of Arts – Korean Studies, Korea National Open University: Seoul
2010 Master of Arts – Asian Studies, Yanbian University: Yanbian
Professional experience:
Korean language teacher: School of Continuing Education – Yanbian University
Korean language teacher: King Sejong Institute – Yanbian University
Korean language teacher: Department of Korean Philology – Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
Select publications:
「A Study on Kim Hakchul’s <The Myth of 20th Century> based Cynical Realism, story telling for the Romantic Comicality」, Hyundai novel research, No.47, August, 2011
「Review on Kim Hyuk’s ‘Mama flower, bloom in the shade’, violence of Cultural Revolution holding as a daily affair」, Korea National Open University press, December, 2010
「A Study on introspection series novel, scar of ethnic Koreans living in China」, Master’s degree at Yanbian University, 2010
「Density of vacant old body, They say」, Yanbian literature, May, 2009
「A Study on realities and fictions of ethnic Korean women living in China on the China ideology discourse」, Integrated humanities research, No.1st, 2009
「Structure of cyclical rebirth, reviewing Kim Jungho’s ‘memory’」, The Four Seasons literature, Spring, 2008